Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ben Pictures

Ben at Dell Children's sleeping after his bone biopsy (2008)

Ben at Dell Children's the day after his bone biopsy (2008).
Ben and his sister walking down the hall at Dell Children's hospital (2008)

Ben playing the piano after his 2nd bone biospy at Primary Children's hospital in Salt Lake City.  Ben loves to play the piano and we were so glad there was a piano we could go play every day (2010)

In Salt Lake, volunteers brought trained dogs around so kids could play with them.  Ben really liked that. Here's Ben with one of the volunteers. (2010)

Ben going into the hyperbaric oxygen chamber at St. David's hospital in Austin, TX. (2011)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Treatments that seem to help

Here are a few alternative "treatments" that we've found helpful during the course of Ben's illness. 

1. Allimed (liquid - not capsules)  This is definitely the flagship treatment that made the most difference.  Ben has only been taking it about 45 days but has made a very positive impact.  He started taking 2 tsp's a day...then went up to 6 tsp's during a few weeks that were particularly painful for him.  Now he's back to 4 tsp's since his x-ray's show strong healing is in progress.  This liquid is VERY spicy but Ben does great with it by putting it in milk and having a few pretzels with it.  We began to realize after Ben took this for some time that Allimed was pulling minerals from his body.  Very important to supplement with minerals with high doses of Allimed.

2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments - Ben has had 10+ treatments in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber at St. David's Medical Center in Austin, TX.  We hope to have 20+ total.  He usually goes in for about 2 hours at a time 3 to 5 times a week.  We've read a lot about HBO2 treatments and they appear to have positive documented results for some patients.  We wanted to do it and asked our infectious disease doctor and our osteosurgeon to prescribe it.  They did.

3. NO SUGAR!!! Don't feed the bacteria - feed the child. Lots of green leafy vegetables are best but definitely no sugar. Now that Ben is doing so much better we are allowing a few treats now and then and have had no negative repurcussions.

4. Liposomal C - He takes one packet in the morning and one at night.

5. Pentawater -  This is the only water Ben drinks.  He drinks at least 2 bottles a day. 

6. Good kids multi vitamin.  There are many out there.  Vitamin Code Kids from Garden of Life has been the one we've used the most.

Be sure to read our latest post at the top of the site to hear Ben's current condition (he's been completely healed now for many years).